11 weeks and counting

The roll of normality continues with its highs and lows. Just over a week ago it was my birthday. I got quite upset in the morning.. sadness that our little girl wasnt there.

We also got our results back and learnt the reg who was there for the birth screwed up. In our meeting the consultant started to say ‘in situations like these its really important we do genetic testing’ ‘what do you mean? We know we didnt send a sample of lilys skin but the placenta was’… Turns out it wasnt. When she was born they went through the testing opttions, we couldnt stand the idea of a full post-mortem so decided on observations only for her but said they can do what they like with the placenta. When it came to the form the genetic testing box was crossed out, we double checked ‘they will do the placenta, right?’ ‘ absolutely, they always do’. So that was a lie. With only external observation they cant confirm what it was, though they strongly suspect triploidy – what we also think it was. 

As for the future, the consultant cant find any reason we cant have a baby. The way she put it was ‘theres a dice with many sides, we just dont know how many’. So its good theres nothing stopping us getting there but we dont have a quick fix to assure us. One good thing though is that we will have a very closely monitord pregnancy last time – meaning we dont have to visit the ward we hate .. yay!

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